How to make coarse hair soft and silky? - Cosmetic World

How to make coarse hair soft and silky?

Coarse hair can be difficult to manage and style, but it is possible to make it soft and silky. By using nourishing hair care products, protecting your hair from heat damage, and investing in a high-quality hair brush or comb, you can easily transform your coarse hair into healthy, beautiful hair that is easy to style. These simple steps, combined with a little bit of patience, can help you achieve the soft and silky hair you desire. You don't have to let coarse hair hold you back - follow these tips and you can take control of your hair's health and appearance.

What is coarse hair?

Infographic showing Coarse hair - Hair structure explained

Coarse hair is a hair type that is usually thicker (larger diameter of the hair shaft). It is more prone to dryness or breakage than fine hair. This makes it vulnerable to harsh chemicals and paints. In addition, coarse hair is very difficult to style, may not hold curls and is more difficult to straighten.

What is the cause of coarse hair?

Cause of coarse hair - Infographic with factors affecting coarse hair

The reasons can be complex. It may be due to factors beyond our control or those we can control. Common causes of coarse hair are:

  • Using the wrong products - While hair products are an essential part of our daily lives, some of them contain harmful chemicals that can damage the hair and make it look coarse.

  • Environment - If you are frequently exposed to strong sunlight, wind, or pollution, it can affect the health of your hair. These factors can cause exceptionally dry hair, making it look coarse.

  • Genetics - It can be inherited from parents. So if you have parents or grandparents with coarse hair, there are some chances you have it too.

  • Age - Very often with age, the hair becomes thicker. This happens because of the increase in the size of the hair follicles.

  • Hormonal changes - If your body is experiencing a hormonal imbalance, it is very likely that this will affect your hair as well. Examples of such conditions are menopause or pregnancy.

Daily routines that will make coarse hair soft and silky

There are things in your daily routine that can help your hair look softer and silkier. These are small things that if you do every day, you will probably get that shiny look and enviable softness.

Sleep on a silk pillowcase

Silk Pillowcase - Infographic with benefits of using it

Silk pillows are the perfect solution for people who want to protect their hair and skin while they sleep. They are much gentler on the skin and hair and help reduce frizz and breakage, as well as minimize facial wrinkles. So, silk pillowcases not only help with coarse hair but also help with your skincare. The main advantages of pure silk are:

  • Smooth and soft to the touch - This reduced friction with the hair and face and led to less frizz and breakage.

  • Hypoallergenic - They are made of silk, which is a natural material. Moreover, it is gentle on the skin and hair at the same time. It is less likely to cause irritation or breakouts than other materials such as cotton or polyester.

  • Easy to maintain - It can be easily washed in a washing machine at a lower temperature and with a high-quality detergent.

  • Breathable - This means it controls and lets the body temperature through. This prevents sweating and overheating.

Washing hair while bathing

Hair washing habbits - What to do while washing hair

This is included in daily routines because although most people shower daily, washing hair doesn't have to be done daily. Instead, there are a few tips you should consider:

  • Wash your hair 2-3 times a week - The scalp produces the so-called sebum, which is a natural oil that helps moisturize and protect the hair. Frequent hair washing washes away the sebum and, this dries and damages the hair. Also, frequent washing can cause frizz and breakage. Allowing these oils to build up can help nourish and protect your hair.

  • Use shampoo and conditioner formulated for coarse hair - It is important to use shampoos formulated for coarse hair strands. Such shampoos are sulfate-free and contain more natural oils. The most common oils are avocado oil, coconut oil, or argan oil. The oils help nourish and strengthen hair, while sulfates can cause dryness and damage.

  • Wash your hair with lukewarm water - As you know, hot water washes away the natural oils from your hair. On the other hand, cold water can help seal hair strands, making them smooth and shiny. Moreover, cold water has the ability to reduce frizz.

  • Practice “Co-Washing” - This is a technique that involves using conditioner instead of shampoo. Also called Conditioner Washing, it can help moisturize and condition hair while preventing frizz and breakage.

  • After showering, let the hair dry on its own, and do not use a hair dryer. It is also not recommended to scrub hard with a towel. Instead, use gentle massaging motions to remove surface moisture. Then let it dry on its own.

Brushing the hair

If you have coarse hair, it is very important to choose a wide tooth comb or a brush made of natural materials. They are gentle on your hair and help nourish it. Products made from natural materials often reduce breakage and help to distribute hair's natural oils. It's also a good practice using them if you want to prevent hair loss.

Best brush and comb for coarse hair

  • Comb - If using a comb, choose a wide tooth comb. It is a good option for detangling hair. Large teeth prevent breakage and are gentler on the hair cuticle. Choosing a comb made of natural materials (wood or bone) is often considered good practice because they generate less static electricity.

  • Brush - If you use a brush, be sure to choose one with natural bristles. A good choice is a boar bristle brush, which softens the hair and adds shine. This type of brush helps distribute the oils throughout the hair. As a result, the hair strand is moisturized and nourished. You can also use a round brush, but make sure it is made of natural materials.

Avoid hot tools

Although flat irons and hair dryers may not be used every day, I personally know people who do. So I decided to put this tip into the "daily rituals". Coarse hair type is more prone to breakage and dryness, so it's important to be careful when using hot tools. It is recommended to avoid flat irons, curling irons, and hair dryers. Here are a few reasons why:

Infographic of 3 hot tools to avoid if you have coarse hair - curling iron, hair dryer flat iron

  • They can cause heat damage - Heating the hair to certain degrees can "burn" the hair, which leads to breakage. It also makes it dry and brittle.

  • Can make hair prone to frizz - Coarse hair is more prone to frizz than fine hair, and hot tools can make it even worse.

  • Strips away natural oils - The touch of hot tools to the hair shaft literally evaporates the oils of your hair, making it dry and brittle.

If you still want to use heat styling, it's a good idea to protect your hair. You can use products to protect and nourish the hair.

Protect your hair from the sun

Protect your hair from the sun via hat, scarf or leave-in conditioner with UV filter

The sun is one of the worst enemies of coarse hair. It can cause dryness and breakage in normal hair too, but it is much more dangerous for coarse ones. Here are some ideas of what you can do to protect your hair from UV rays:

Weekly routines that make coarse hair soft and silky

In addition to daily routines, we also need to think about some procedures that we should do a little less often. Whether it's 2 or 3 times a week, there are routines that can easily add that softness and shine.

Weekly hair masks

Coarse hair needs constant nourishment, so weekly hair masks are a great idea. They nourish and moisturize the hair shaft, which helps restore its health and shine. Moreover, the hair mask tends to increase hair growth and improve its health. Here are some tips for using weekly masks:

Apply hair mask weekly and follow the recommendations

  • Use hair mask as pre-shampoo treatment - This helps to lock in moisture and nourish the hair from the inside. It is good to do this procedure about an hour before showering. Apply the hair mask to the hair and put on a shower cap, leaving it on for about an hour.

  • Use a hair mask formulated for coarse hair - It is important to match the products you use. If your hair is coarse, you must use products for coarse hair. They often contain natural avocado, coconut, argan, or olive oil.

  • Do it 2 or 3 times a week - You don't have to do it every day. 2 or 3 times a week is enough for the hair to absorb the useful ingredients from the hair mask and make it healthier and nourished for a longer time.

  • You can also do a DIY egg hair mask - The Egg hair mask is really popular because it's proven that eggs smooth coarse hair. You can even add coconut oil for better volume and hair growth

Apply natural oils to your hair

Although essential oils and carrier oils are included in hair masks, it is good to make sure that you are applying all the oils that are useful for dealing with coarse strands. These oils may not be included in your chosen product, so it's good to diversify. Here are some natural oils that can make coarse hair soft and silky:

Natural oils for coarse hair

  • Olive oil (carrier oil)
  • Avocado oil (carrier oil)
  • Coconut oil (carrier oil)
  • Jojoba oil (carrier oil)
  • Argan oil (essential oil)

    All of the listed oils are rich sources of fatty acids and nutrients. They penetrate the hair follicles and help to moisturize and nourish the hair, increase hair growth and act as a natural conditioner to reduce frizz and add shine. In addition, Jojoba oil has a composition similar to the oils produced by the scalp.

    It's important not to overdo it with oils, because using large amounts can make your hair look greasy. It is recommended to use a small amount to distribute evenly from the roots to the ends.

    Avoid certain hairstyles

    Hairstyles to avoid for coarse hair

    Different occasions call for different hairstyles during the week. For example, if you play sports, you probably want your hair as tidy as possible. Unfortunately, this is not always in your favor. Hairstyles that include accessories to tighten the hair should be avoided. This is due to the fact that Coarse strands are more prone to dryness and breakage than finer hair types. Here are two examples of hairstyles that are for coarse hair:

    • Tight ponytails or updos - These hairstyles involve tightening the hair, which can cause breakage. This is very harmful, especially if it is done every day. If you still need these kinds of hairstyles, make sure you use gentle hair ties and avoid over-stretching your hair.

    • Tight braids - Although this may be one of the most iconic hairstyles in the women's world, it's best not to overdo it. Like ponytails and updos, this hairstyle stretches the hair too much and can lead to breakage.

    Deep conditioning

    Deep conditioning can be very beneficial for coarse hair. In addition to moisturizing and nourishing, it makes the hair strands softer, and more prone to styling and maintenance. Of course, this should be done with products that are suitable for coarse hair. After choosing a good conditioner suitable for your hair, read how to use it. Very often there are a few simple steps:

    Deep conditioning Infographic

    • Wash your hair (with a shampoo for coarse hair)

    • Dry your hair with a towel (with gentle massaging movements)

    • Apply the hair conditioner on damp hair in the direction from the roots to the ends

    • Use a wide-toothed comb to spread the conditioner

    • Leave it for a while (see the package for how long)

    • Rinse your hair (Recommended with lukewarm water)

    Adjust your habits

    Habits are also a factor that you should keep in mind. Just as daily and weekly routines have an impact on your hair, certain habits can affect your hair. Here are some things to keep in mind or avoid.

    Nourish your whole body well

    I'm not talking only about your hair. Of course, hair needs to be nourished often, but your body does too. You can't rely on external nourishment alone. Therefore, health condition is of essential importance, especially for people with coarse hair.

    Mind your nutrution - Infographic of good nutrition for coarse hair

    • Adapt your diet - Try to get all the nutrients and most importantly those that are important for hair health. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains.

    • Add more protein - Protein is an extremely important building block for healthy hair. Therefore, foods such as eggs, beans, fish, chicken, nuts, and beef are extremely suitable for your diet.

    • Add Iron - People with iron deficiency are more prone to coarse hair. Foods rich in iron are red meat, beans, nuts, and poultry.

    • Take nutritional supplements - It is good to consult a specialist about supplements, but it is important to know that if your body does not get enough of a certain type of nutrients, these substances can be obtained through nutritional supplements.

    • Hydrate your body - Water is very important to keep your entire body hydrated, including your hair and scalp. You should drink 8 glasses of water a day to stay well hydrated.

    Get a haircut often

    Trim your hair regularly - Try doing it every 6-8 weeks

    Frequent trimming helps the hair stay vibrant. This process also depends on your personal preference, but if your hair is damaged or has split ends, it will be very beneficial for it. Cutting split ends helps to grow healthy hair. It is recommended to do this every 6-8 weeks.

    Choose quality products

    Choose quality products, specially formulated for coarse hair and pick the good brands

    First of all, make sure that the products you choose are suitable for coarse hair. As I already shared above in the article, these are products without sulfates and other harsh chemicals. They should include more natural oils and vitamins.

    It is also important to pay attention to the quality. Using established brands of shampoos, hair masks and conditioners will pay you back with better results. They are formulated to work more effectively, which makes hair easier to maintain.

    Avoid harsh chemicals

    I don't think there is a need to explain why harsh chemicals are not suitable for coarse hair. Just in case, I just want to remind you what should be avoided especially with coarse hair:

    Avoid harsh chemicals like sulfates, alcohol or formaldehyde
    • Sulfates
    • Alcohol
    • Formaldehyde

      Most coarse hair products don't contain these ingredients, but it's good to check for yourself. Make sure the products you take contain nourishing ingredients like protein, vitamins, and oils.

      Be patient

      Be patient with the results of fixing coarse hair it might take a few months

      The results won't come for a few days. It will take months for your hair to get that soft and silky look. Daily and weekly routines should become part of your life. At the same time, the nutrients and supplements you use must be absorbed by your body which takes some time. You should not lose hope if you don't see any visible results right away. If you combine all the factors listed in the article, I can guarantee you that they can soften coarse hair.

      Find some products for coarse hair

      Cosmetic World has many solutions in terms of shampoos, conditioners, treatments, etc. You will find lots of effective products from the most famous brands. We appreciate the feedback from customers, and the following products are recommended by them:


      Coarse hair strands should not scare you because if properly treated, they can regain their shine and softness. There are 3 main ways to achieve it.

      Do daily routines to improve the health of your hair. Such routines are sleeping on silk, hair washing regimen, careful brushing, avoiding hot tools, and protecting your hair from the sun.

      Weekly routines aren't as engaging, but they're just as important. These include weekly hair masks (including homemade hair masks), applying natural oils, deep conditioning, and avoiding certain hairstyles.

      Last but not least is adjusting your habits. There are things you can improve in your habits. These are good nourishment of the whole organism, frequent trimming, quality products, and the avoidance of harmful chemicals.

      If you follow these 3 ways, your coarse hair can be soft and silky again. And most importantly... Be patient because the results won't come right away. It takes a few months for all these routines to affect your body. But if you're patient enough it will not only soften coarse hair but will also encourage hair growth and improve overall health.


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