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Rack up points with different actions and trade them in for amazing rewards!
How to Earn Points:
- Sign Up: 150 Points
- Place an Order: 1 Point for every $1 spent
- Write a Review: 25 Points
- Follow on TikTok: 50 Points
- Share on Facebook: 50 Points
- Like on Facebook: 50 Points
- Follow on Instagram: 50 Points
Redeem Your Points for Discounts:
- $5 off - 250 Points
- $10 off - 500 Points
- $25 off - 1250 Points
- $50 off - 2500 Points
- $75 off - 3750 Points
- $100 off - 5000 Points
- $2 off any order - 100 Points
Want to learn more? Just click the red/pink icon at the bottom left of the screen for all the details! Don’t wait—join today and start turning your points into awesome savings!