Why is my hair so dry? 16 causes and 16 treatments

Why is my hair so dry? 16 causes and 16 treatments - Cosmetic World

Ever glanced in the mirror, only to be greeted by a bird’s nest masquerading as your hair? If your strands are singing the "dry, brittle, and frizzy" blues, you're definitely not the only member of that club. Dry hair is a common problem faced by many people around the world. Whether your hair feels brittle to the touch, lacks its usual luster, or struggles with persistent frizz, the root of these issues often lies in dryness. It's pesky, persistent, and leaves you scratching your head, literally and figuratively, asking, "Why is my hair so dry?" But don't panic, I've got your back, and most importantly, your hair.

Dry hair can feel like a never-ending nightmare. But, in this article, we'll walk through the causes and—most importantly—how to fix it! Moreover, we'll talk about commercial and natural methods to treat and prevent it. The aim? To help you restore the health, vibrancy, and 'runway-readiness' of your hair! Let's dive in, shall we?

Dry Hair Causes

Dry Hair Causes - Infographic

  1. Overwashing: 🚿😩 Imagine your hair screaming, "Stop! I can't breathe!" as you subject it to another round of harsh shampoo. Overwashing strips your hair of its natural oils, leading to dry, brittle hair.

  2. Heat Styling Tools: 🔥💇‍♀️ Yes, curling irons, flat irons, and blow dryers can give you those perfect curls or that sleek, straight look, but at what cost? Heat damage can lead to dull hair and damaged hair cuticles.

  3. Chemical Styling: 💇‍♀️🧪 Chemical treatments may transform your hair but can also cause extensive hair damage. Hair products with harsh chemicals can disrupt the hair shaft's protective layer.

  4. Environmental Conditions: ☀️🏖️🌊 Dry climate, environmental factors like sun damage, and even the salt water from your beach vacation can cause drier hair.

  5. Lack of Protection: 🚫🔥💦 Neglecting to use a heat protectant before styling or a leave-in conditioner after washing exposes your hair to further damage.

  6. Your Drying Method: 💆‍♀️ Are you rubbing your hair with a towel? This friction can cause hair damage and split ends.

  7. Not 'Sealing in' Your Moisture: 💧🧴👩‍🦱 After washing your hair, it's crucial to use a conditioner or hair oil to retain moisture.

  8. Friction from Your Pillows: 🛏️🔒 Believe it or not, your pillowcase might be your hair's worst enemy! A silk pillowcase can prevent friction and retain hair moisture.

  9. Medications: 💊 Some medications may lead to this condition.

  10. Health Problems: 🩺👩‍⚕️🧪 Conditions like hypothyroidism can lead to dry hair.

  11. Age: 🕰️🧓 As we age, our hair and skin lose their ability to hold moisture, leading to drier hair.

  12. Genetics: 👪🔬🧬 Sometimes, your genes may be the reason for dryness.

  13. You're Due for a Trim: ✂️💇‍♀️ Split ends can lead to dry, brittle hair. Regular trims can promote healthy hair growth.

  14. Hair Type: 🌀🧔 Curly and coily hair types are more prone to dryness because their structure makes it harder for scalp oils to travel down the hair strand.

  15. Dry Scalp: 🌵👩‍🦱 A dry scalp can lead to drier hair as it produces less sebum, which moisturizes your hair and scalp.

  16. Others: Of course, there are other reasons for dry hair 😁, but to be honest, I just like the number 16, and having 16 causes and 16 treatments sounds pretty cool 🤣 But keep reading, because there are indeed 16 treatments 😋

What Is Dry Hair?

Dry hair happens when your hair doesn't retain enough moisture, causing it to lose its shine and softness. This can occur when the outer layer of the hair (cuticle) is damaged. The cuticle's job is to protect the hair shaft, and when it's compromised, moisture escapes, leaving you with dry, brittle strands. This can be caused by a multitude of factors, from environmental conditions to how you take care of your hair.

Here are some examples:

In some cases, it is a result of internal factors like diet or genetics. For example, if your body doesn't receive enough nutrients, it could affect your hair health. Likewise, certain genes may predispose you to having naturally dry hair.

Dry Hair Symptoms

Dry Hair Symptoms - Infographic

Dry hair often appears dull and lifeless. You might notice:

  • Brittle or fragile strands

  • Split ends

  • Frizz

  • Itchy scalp

  • Hair breakage or hair loss

Dry Hair Treatments

Dry Hair Treatments - Infographic

  1. Limit (or Ditch) Styling Tools and Chemical Treatments: Cutting back on heat styling and chemical treatments can prevent further damage and help restore moisture.

  2. Use a Conditioner: Conditioner is a lifesaver for dry hair. It helps retain moisture and protect the hair cuticle.

  3. Moisturize Your Hair Naturally with Hair Masks and Hair Oils: Hair masks and oils, like coconut oil or argan oil, can provide intense moisture and restore your hair's shine.

  4. Limit Hair Washing: Overwashing can lead to dry hair. Try to extend the time between washes.

  5. Protect Your Hair from Heat Styling: Always use a heat protectant before styling. Trust me, your hair will thank you!

  6. Try a Professional Deep Conditioning: These treatments can help rejuvenate your hair and restore its moisture.

  7. Invest in Hydrating Hair Care Products: Look for shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for dry hair.

  8. Use a Mild Shampoo: Shampoos with less harsh chemicals won't strip your hair of its natural oils.

  9. Get a Trim: Regular trims can prevent split ends, promoting healthier hair.

  10. Be Mindful with Your Wash-Day Routine: Avoid hot water and opt for a cooler rinse to seal the hair cuticle and retain moisture.

  11. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can dry out your hair, so steer clear of hair products containing it.

  12. Get a Shower Head Filter: Tap water can be harsh on your hair. A filter can help by removing any potential irritants.

  13. Consider Hair and Skin Supplements: Vitamins like biotin can promote healthy hair growth and combat dryness.

  14. Practice Hair Slugging: This Korean hair care practice involves applying a leave-in conditioner or hair oil before bed to lock in moisture.

  15. Don't Forget Your Scalp: Keeping your scalp healthy and hydrated helps in the production of natural oils that nourish your hair.

  16. Silky Accessories are Best: Satin or silk accessories can help retain moisture, reducing friction and breakage.

How Can You Hydrate Different Hair Textures?

How Can You Hydrate Different Hair Textures - Infographic

Hydrating different hair textures requires a tailored approach to meet the specific needs of each type. Let's explore various hair textures and how to address them:

Hair Texture


Straight Hair
Use lightweight, moisturizing products. Limit heat styling and use heat protectants. Apply leave-in conditioners or hair oils.
Wavy Hair Use sulfate-free, moisturizing products. Embrace air drying or diffuse drying. Apply a nourishing hair mask weekly.
Curly Hair
Use sulfate-free, hydrating products. Apply a rich, moisturizing conditioner. Deep condition regularly. Apply leave-in conditioners or curl creams.
Coily/Kinky Hair
Use moisturizing, sulfate-free products. Apply the LOC or LCO method. Regularly deep condition. Minimize heat usage and protectant.

Straight hair tends to be naturally smooth but can still suffer from dryness. Wavy hair on the other hand falls between straight and curly, often prone to frizz and dryness. Curly hair tends to be naturally drier due to its structure, which makes it more challenging for natural hair oils to travel down the hair shaft. Coily or kinky hair has tight curls and tends to be naturally dry and fragile. So make sure you treat your hair according to its needs.

How Do You Fix Dry Hair Naturally?

How Do You Fix Dry Hair Naturally - Infographic

To begin with, getting a regular trim can help prevent split ends, which in turn contributes to dry hair. Additionally, incorporating vitamins such as Biotin and Vitamin E into your diet can support hair health and enhance its shine.

It is also beneficial to add Omega-3s and antioxidants to your diet as they promote healthy hair growth. Furthermore, avoiding washing your hair every day can prevent the stripping of its natural oils, keeping it moisturized.

When drying your hair, consider wrapping it instead of air drying to retain moisture and reduce frizz. Cutting down on heat styling is crucial as it minimizes damage and prevents dryness.

Another tip is to try taking colder showers as hot water tends to strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Moreover, using essential oils like argan oil can provide deep hydration and boost shine.

Protecting your hair from sun damage is important, so wearing a hat on sunny days can be beneficial. Lastly, coconut oil is a great option to consider as it deeply moisturizes and nourishes the hair, effectively combating dryness.

What Foods Can Fix Dry Hair?

What Foods Can Fix Dry Hair - Infographic



Omega-3 Fatty Acids Salmon, Chia seeds, Walnuts, Flaxseeds, Soybeans
Vitamin A Sweet potatoes, Carrots, Spinach, Kale
Biotin Eggs, Almonds, Cauliflower, Avocados, Berries
Vitamin E Spinach, Almonds, Sunflower seeds, Avocados
Protein Eggs, Greek yogurt, Chicken, Turkey, Lean beef
Iron Red meat, Spinach, Lentils, Quinoa, Turkey
Zinc Oysters, Beef, Spinach, Wheat germ, Pumpkin seeds


Omega-3 Fatty Acids 🐟🌰🌱

They nourish the hair, support hair thickening and reduce inflammation that can lead to hair loss. If you're not getting enough omega-3s in your diet, your hair may appear brittle and dull.

Vitamin A 🍠🥕🥬

Vitamin A aids the skin glands in producing sebum, a substance that moisturizes the scalp and keeps the hair healthy.

Biotin 🥚🌰🥦🥑🍓

Biotin, or vitamin B7, is essential for hair health. A deficiency in biotin can lead to brittle hair.

Vitamin E 🥬🌰🌻🥑

Similar to vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant that combats oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. In one study, people with hair loss experienced significant hair growth after supplementing with vitamin E for 8 months.

Protein 🥚🥣🍗🦃🥩

Hair is made mostly of protein. Consuming enough is important for hair growth. If you're not consuming enough, your hair may become dry, brittle, and weak.

Iron 🥩🥬🍲🍚🦃

It helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your cells, which aids in hair growth. Iron deficiencies have been linked to hair loss.

Zinc 🦪🥩🥬🌾🎃

It plays an important role in hair tissue growth and repair. It also helps keep the oil glands around the follicles working properly. Hair loss is a common symptom of zinc deficiency.

How to Prevent Dry Hair

How to Prevent Dry Hair - Infographic

  • Consistency: Stick to a regular hair care routine to keep your hair healthy and moisturized.

  • Space Out Your Heat Styling: Try to limit the use of hot tools, and always use a heat protectant when you do.

  • Silk Pillowcase: They cause less friction than regular pillowcases and can help your hair retain moisture.

Key Takeaway

Treating dry hair is a customized process, understanding the unique needs of different hair textures. For instance, curly and coily hair may necessitate intensive moisturizing treatments and frequent deep conditioning. Natural remedies, such as regular trims, a vitamin-rich diet, using essential oils, avoiding daily washes, and taking cooler showers can also combat dryness.

Consistency is key in dry hair treatment. In other words, with a routine of moisturizing products and reduced heat styling tools making a significant improvement over time. Moreover, investing in a silk pillowcase could help retain moisture and reduce friction. Diet plays a critical role too, with certain nutrients mitigating dryness. In summary, understanding your hair's needs and maintaining consistent care can help overcome dryness, leading to healthier, more hydrated tresses.



How often should I wash my hair if it is dry?

Short answer: 2-3 times a week 🚿👩‍🦱📆

If your hair is dry, it's best to limit washing to two or three times a week. Overwashing can strip your hair of its natural oils and lead to dryness.

Why is my hair so dry even with conditioner?

Short answer: Probably wrong conditioner 🧴👩‍🦱❌

This could be due to various factors, like using the wrong type of conditioner for your hair type or not rinsing it out properly.

Can your diet make your hair dry?

Short answer: Yes 👍

Absolutely! A diet lacking essential vitamins and nutrients can lead to dry, dull hair.

What lack of vitamin causes dry hair?

Short answer: B, E & A Vitamins 💊👩‍🦱🌾

A lack of vitamins like B-vitamins, vitamin E, and vitamin A can contribute to dry hair.

Can dry hair become healthy again?

Short answer: Yes 👍

With the right care and treatment, dry hair can regain its health and shine.

Does drinking water fix dry hair?

Short answer: Not by itself 👎

Drinking water alone won't fix dry hair, but it can help. Hydration is crucial for overall health, including hair health.

How long does it take hair to rehydrate?

Short answer: A few weeks ⏳👩‍🦱💦

It depends on how dry your hair is, but generally, with consistent care and hydration, you should see improvements in a few weeks.

In conclusion, comprehending the reasons behind dry hair is the first pivotal step towards remedying it. Factors such as heat styling, overwashing, chemical treatments, environmental conditions, and even genetics can play a significant role in causing this issue. However, the silver lining here is that understanding these underlying causes equips us with the knowledge to tackle the issue head-on, thereby preventing further damage and restoring the hair's health and vitality.

Moreover, it's imperative to note that the road to hydrated hair doesn't end at merely understanding the causes; applying the correct treatments is equally important. By incorporating practices such as limiting heat styling, using mild and moisturizing hair products, eating a nutrient-rich diet, and protecting your hair from environmental damage, we can significantly improve hair health. Hence, armed with this comprehensive guide and a consistent hair care regimen, we're all set to embark on our journey towards healthier, hydrated, and vibrant hair. Remember, hair care is a marathon, not a sprint—patience, consistency, and the right practices will undoubtedly yield results in time.

Struggling with dry hair? Try out some of our

Best-selling products for dry hair

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SCHWARZKOPF - BC BONACURE BC Bonacure Repair Rescue Shampoo Arginine from $14.99 $25.00
Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Arginine Shampoo Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Arginine Shampoo is a gentle shampoo that repairs and replenishes damaged and dull hair with care and shine. Damaged hair may be quite dry, porous, and prone to breakage; that is precisely why this shampoo provides such a gentle cleansing action. The lightweight formula improves elasticity and shine without adding any weight or heaviness to the hair, which makes this lightweight formula idea for all hair types, even the very thin and delicate. In order to offer intense repairing results, this specialist shampoo combines innovative technology with powerful ingredients. As arginine works to reverse up to 3 years of damage, vegan keratin and Cell Equalizer Technology rebuild and repair the hair fiber, restoring its natural strength, beauty, and shine. Formulated with advanced haircare technology, but without ingredients of animal origin, Repair Rescue is Schwarzkopf Professional's first vegan hair care that restores and repairs damaged hair. The new packaging is also eco-designed: it's fully recyclable, and contains up to 97% recycled plastic. Features & Benefits of Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Arginine Shampoo Texture: gel; Hair issues: damaged hair, porous hair, breakage; Time of application: during the shower or bath; Hair type: all hair types; Main benefits: delivers care and shine to damaged hair, repairs and restructures the hair at the same time, strengthens the hair while smoothing its surface; Formulated without: artificial colorants, silicones, SLS/SLES sulfates, ingredients of animal origin. Active Ingredients of Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Arginine Shampoo L-arginine can be found naturally in the hair, as it is one of its essential building blocks. In this formula, arginine helps repair up to 3 years of damage in very dry, dull, and damaged hair; Vegan keratin helps rebuild the hair fiber by refilling gaps where the hair's natural keratin has been damaged. As a result, the hair regains its strength and elasticity; Cell Equalizer Technology provides additional care by repairing the outer layer of the hair. As it restores strength to the hair, it creates a more pliable, softer, and shinier finish. How to use Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Arginine Shampoo Apply Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Arginine Shampoo onto wet hair and massage it gently from the roots to the ends. Then, rinse off thoroughly.For best results, follow with Schwarzkopf BC Bonacure Repair Rescue Conditioner.
SCHWARZKOPF - BC BONACURE_BC Bonacure Repair Rescue Conditioner Arginine_Cosmetic World
SCHWARZKOPF - BC BONACURE BC Bonacure Repair Rescue Conditioner Arginine from $14.99 $21.00
Schwarzkopf BC Bonacure Repair Rescue Conditioner Arginine Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Conditioner Arginine is a restoring conditioner that revitalizes damaged and dull hair. Suitable for all hair types, this nourishing conditioner instantly revives the hair, improving both shine and manageability. Innovative technology and rich ingredients are the secret to revitalizing dull and damaged hair, as arginine, vegan keratin, and Cell Equalizer Technology join forces to repair up to 3 years of damage. With each application, this restorative product softens and helps detangle damaged hair, reducing breakage by 95%. What's more, its softening formula seals the surface of the hair in order to create healthy-looking shine that lasts. Last, but not least, it's worth mentioning this conditioner's innovative fast-rising formula, which requires 50% less water for rinsing. You'll be done with your hair care routine in no time! Formulated with advanced haircare technology, but without ingredients of animal origin, Repair Rescue is Schwarzkopf Professional's first vegan hair care that restores and repairs damaged hair. The new packaging is also eco-designed: it's fully recyclable, and contains up to 97% recycled plastic. Features & Benefits of Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Conditioner Arginine  Texture: cream; Hair issues: damaged hair, porous hair, breakage; Time of application: during the shower or bath, after washing the hair; Age: 10+; Hair type: all hair types; Main benefits: provides care and shine to damaged hair, repairs and restructures the hair at the same time, improves elasticity and facilitates detangling, creates a shiny, healthy appearance; Formulated without: artificial colorants, silicones, ingredients of animal origin. Active Ingredients of Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Conditioner Arginine L-arginine can be found naturally in the hair, as it is one of its essential building blocks. In this formula, arginine helps repair up to 3 years of damage in very dry, dull, and damaged hair; Vegan keratin helps rebuild the hair fiber by refilling gaps where the hair's natural keratin has been damaged. As a result, the hair regains its strength and elasticity; Cell Equalizer Technology provides additional care by repairing the outer layer of the hair. As it restores strength to the hair, it creates a more pliable, softer, and shinier finish. How to use Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Conditioner Arginine For best results wash with Schwarzkopf BC Bonacure Repair Rescue Shampoo. Apply the Schwarzkopf BC Repair Rescue Arginine Conditioner onto damp hair, from the mid-lengths down to the ends. Allow it 1-2 minutes before rinsing off thoroughly.
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